Winning with water storage tanks

Winning with water storage tanks

In an effort to educate people to use water wisely, the Environment Agency annually holds the UK Water Efficiency Awards; this is open to public, private and third sector organisations and split across various categories.

This year's event was held on the 16th June at the WWF's new Living Planet Centre where congratulations where given to Broughgammon Farm who won the Farming and Horticulture category.

Going to extreme lengths and on all levels to save water, Broughgammon Farm has been harvesting rainwater in water storage tanks which has been used to supply their washing machines, outside taps and toilets - cutting supplied water use by 80% and also cutting costs, protecting the environment and reducing carbon emissions. Way to go!

If you would like to know more about the UK Water Efficiency Awards, please visit the Waterwise website or Environment Agency website.

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