Regal Tanks GDPR Statement

Regal Tanks is a controller over the personal information that we use in the delivery of storage tanks and associated products and services. This is based on the fact that we make our own independent decisions as to what personal information we need in order to deliver these products and services, and we decide what happens to this information.

We decide on how personal information is used in the context of delivering products and services in accordance with guidance from the UK Information Commissioner's Office (or ICO).

More information about how Regal Tanks uses personal information in its role as a controller is available in our updated Privacy Notice.

In addition to updating our Privacy Policy, we have also taken the following steps to work towards compliance with the GDPR:

  • we have appointed a data protection officer, who will be responsible for advising us on data protection matters on an ongoing basis
  • we have conducted an internal audit of our use of personal information, to better understand our data flows and assess our legal basis for using personal information
  • we have reviewed our existing processes and procedures for handling personal information
  • we have updated our information security systems
  • we are training all members of staff on data protection and GDPR

If you have any queries about this statement, or our approach to data protection matters, please contact our data protection officer: